Yemen Civil War

Greetings Everyone

From 2018 through 2020, I have done multiple events relating to the Yemen Civil War as this topic deeply interests me. Through this series of articles, I will be covering the views on the civil war from the perspective of the nation itself where I will be studying its history and the main causes behind it, followed by an article from the view of Saudi Arabia, the alleged perpetrators of civil atrocities and lastly an article on Yemen's perspective on Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Hope you enjoy and have a good read !

A very Brief Overview - 

 Yemen stares at one of the worst crises in human history and the country is on the brink of famine. Almost three years before the advent of Covid-19, the UN declared Yemen the neediest place on Earth. The Yemeni health system has collapsed, basic equipment are lacking, public health facilities have been destroyed and there is no established central government system for overseeing any health and aid operations. The aid operations need deft handling through the prism of human suffering and the grave damage their absence and inefficiency in delivery can cause.


I firmly believe that international participation in conflict management and peacekeeping missions is integral in the near future. Countries that stand among the world’s leading aid donors would have to pledge a certain percentage of their Official Development Assistance for the sole purpose of aid to Yemen. Countries like Netherlands which are bestowed with robust legal and judicial systems (ref. ICJ, ICC, Tribunals, etc) must call upon all stakeholders for peaceful conflict resolution through dialogue. Relief Alliance Joint Response Units in Yemen have been running since 2015 with stark focus on delivering multi-sectoral life-saving assistance. Their work will be essential in the near future. The global community will have to lead efforts to garner more attention for mental health and psychological support in Yemen. Aid is often primarily focused  on financial aid, infrastructure and food relief, but we must keep in mind that the affected civilians, especially children, have gone through harrowing experiences which  can severely affect their mental health. 


An interim control center should be set up to oversee operations of all peacekeeping forces, to ensure equitable distribution of humanitarian aid assistance on basis of need and to further redevelopment and re-establishment of public services. The member nations of the UN and all other non-state members will have to lend their wholesome support to bring peace and stability to Yemen.  

For a detailed history - 

I have made a detailed pictographic guide using various reliable sources from the net and have collected all the information and organised in a timeline. Please visit History and Analysis of the Civil War for the same.

Saudi's Perspective- 

The previous study guide ends with Randi Nord's speech, where the blame is clearly pinned on the Saudi Coalition and hence I would like to follow with an article on the Saudi's perspective. I have written the article in the capacity of a Delegate of Saudi Arabia to the UNHRC. Link for Article on Saudi's Perspective

Extra Content: Weapons of Mass Destruction

The Yemeni infrastructure and civilian lives have been the victims of certain types of WMDs but the scope of destruction which WMDs have is much larger, it's massive as the name suggests. I have written the following article in the capacity of a Delegate of The Republic of Yemen to the Disarmament and International Security Committee (United Nations General Assembly First Committee). Yemen's Perspective on WMDs

Hope all of you have had a good read and have learned something new from this reading. Thank you for sparing this time out of your day, and all queries/comments are welcome. Please feel free to contact me @8848536339 or at 


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